Sad Family News

The first Grim news alert is that my aunt Mary passed away on Friday from cancer. That sucks.  My mom was close with her. She was 53. She was the baby of the family.  Her husband Jim and her three kids Beth, Peter and Tom are still alive, but probably not really feeling that way right now. There is a lot of red tape to go through when one of your “immediates” dies, and you have to be kind of numb to get it all done. It’s hard to grieve when you are filling out paperwork, so the healing part comes later.


She was one of my favorite family members and I am tearing up a little bit writing this. I am thinking about Kathy’s dad who also died of cancer and never got the chance to be my father in law. I am thinking of all the dead claimants I have processed working for Social Security. And I am thinking about what a mystery this whole life thing is. I am listening to music while I write this and you know what song just came up? “Once In A Lifetime”. Very funny, YouTube.


Anyway, I am glad my aunt whom I loved is no longer suffering. I know it will take a while for her family to process the pain of their loss. Grieving isn’t a one-click process, it just has to be lived through with faith, courage and good humor which I know their family has plenty of. That’s why I love them.


And if Amazon ever comes out with One-Click Grieving, I thought of it first dammit.