Death, Taxes and Internet Addiction

Here are the Grimreads for the week! The biggest news today that got buried was the Supreme Courts decision to take up an appeal of a lower court’s decision that the state of Wisconsin’s districts are gerrymandered beyond reason. This could end up being one of the most consequential news stories of the year, so pay attention.


At Bloomberg, Barry Ritholtz covers the remarkable end of Sam Brownback’s tax cut experiment. Republicans should study this carefully before trying to institute tax reform.


A terrifying article from The Guardian about internet addiction and young men. This kind of stuff used to be funny, but a chill went up my spine as I read the article on my iPad while laying next to my wife who was watching a Let’s Play video on her laptop as we listened to music, well into the third hour of mutual internet surfing on our Sunday morning. The first step is admitting you have a problem…


While we are talking about young men and their problems, The Onion is insightful as always.


Finally, 538 looks into their crystal ball to see what is going to probably kill you based on where you live. Death to America, as they say.